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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog rescued 2 hedgehogs within the week Reply To: rescued 2 hedgehogs within the week


She’s got lungworm!!!!

So even though a hedgehog puts on weight and appears normal – eating well and drinking well – when the poo gets sampled – different story.

I’m worried now that I might catch it off her – thankfully I got some surgical gloves – but been using gardening gloves – they are going in the hottest wash tonight – and I’ll just use surgical gloves now –

Gonna throughly wash out the feeding station tmrw – and my kitchen scales? Well they will have to throughly disinfected –

I’m gonna have to disenfect everything now, especially in my kitchen –

I’ve been careful but not as thorough as I could have been – now I’m worried about my own health now –

But I guess you learn these things as you go on.

So most important lesson I’ve learnt here – is to get the poo sampled! regardless whether you think they are healthy or not
