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Home Forums Champions’ chat Hedgehog Hibernation all the facts Reply To: Hedgehog Hibernation all the facts

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Hi Hedgie Lover

I suspect that some of the specialist hog food is better than others. I tend to do a bit like you and use a mixture of hog food and cat food, in the hope that they get the best of both! But I also hope that the dry kitten biscuits help keep their teeth clean.

The trouble is there isn’t as much money in hog food as there is in cat and dog food, so there wouldn’t have been the research there is in cat/dog food. So there is always a question mark about some hog foods. But on the other hand cat food is specialist for cats and dog food is specialist for dogs and they are more similar to each other than either of them are to hogs. Also some of the cat and dog foods are better than others. i.e. some are much lower protein. But we just have to do the best we can in the absence of sufficient natural habitat for the hogs.

But yes, you might be right. It might have been because it was quite a young one, they might have thought wet food was easier to eat. And like you say, they don’t have the problem of food freezing! I remember when I had an injured hog, one of the rescues suggested I feed it wet food to make it easier for it to eat.

But the other problem is, if there are foxes around, wet food would probably be very attractive to them, I imagine.
