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Home Forums Champions’ chat Hedgehog Hibernation all the facts Reply To: Hedgehog Hibernation all the facts


Well I’d totally gone off wet dog food – I really enjoyed watching the first hog of the evening wolf it down, so I really liked it at first – but then when they didn’t eat it, sometimes I found fly eggs in it.

And I decided, to keep feeding it until it got cold, but lucky I had kept a tin in my cupboard, so when I rescued the first hog, Calvin, I gave him spikes – but then the hospital got in touch and told me to give him wet dog food – so I mashed it and mixed the spikes in it, and then mixed some cat biscuits – he didn’t eat much of it, as he was in a travel bag all night and then went off to the hospital the following day, but that mixture is a real hit with Sweetpea, but she’s a really greedy hog, she’s put on 35g in two days – haven’t weighed her tonight, as gardening gloves are in a hot wash – (plus the hospital are taking her in on Sunday as she has Lungworm – not showing symptoms yet, but came up on a poo sample I gave the hospital today, plus the hospital knows she’s eating all the food and putting on weight, so weighing again tonight seems like an unnecessary thing to do when her weight is not a concern anymore, especially as she doesn’t like being picked up).

But not going back to giving them dog food outside, due to the cold, but will start again in the spring, even though the fly eggs are a problem, but it’s not so much of a problem when the first hog of the night eats it all.
