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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog rescued 2 hedgehogs within the week Reply To: rescued 2 hedgehogs within the week


Thanks Coley, bit worried she might be lethargic rather than relaxed, when I rescued her – she raced towards the feeding station, and then I picked the poor thing up.

But then again, she hasn’t exactly got anywhere to go now, so can’t really race around, and I guess all her other siblings, (I assume, which are bigger than her and Calvin) are all in bed napping.

She’s eaten almost all her food – which usually lasts her til morning – so guess that’s a good sign, and she’s not pooping as much as she was – I reckon the poop might be due to large amount of food for her size – that’s why she’s piled on the weight – 20g a night for a 350g hog is quite a lot really – and I wonder if the poo – is due to the excess of food.

At the hospital, on their facebook page, the plate of food looks like their’s quite a lot in, it’s hard to tell when you’re watching videos, but anyway, I’m gonna take her food bowl and let know how much she’s been eating, and get a better idea of how much she should have.

I wonder if she was small because she hadn’t been eating enough – maybe she’s relaxed, cos perhaps all she’s bothered about at the mo is food.

In hospital, the only stimulation she’ll get is a bowl of food each evening anyway, so if that’s the only thing she’s into at the mo, she might be quite content there, let’s hope.
