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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog rescued 2 hedgehogs within the week Reply To: rescued 2 hedgehogs within the week


I’m am fussing too much yes. And i have checked on her too much, that’s what I know what I’ve done wrong .

She is active on a night when I go to sleep, as I have just checked on her, she’s fast asleep which is good, and cage has been rearranged, she’s once again, pulled out the puppy mat from underneath her box, and she slept with her food bowl and toilet roll tube – she dragged them into her box and slept beside them – I don’t know why, perhaps they give her some comfort!

She’s going to hospital today anyway, and the lady at the hospital said ‘don’t stress I’m here’ so she must have twigged on aswell that I’m overly worried about her.

They’ll do things properly at the hospital, they’ve have got other hedgehogs that are really really poorly that need more attention, whereas Sweetpea, she’ll probably just get administered meds each day, possibly weighed and given food, and that’s all the disturbance she’ll get – so it’s a good thing she’s going.

I’m gonna give the bowl of food to the hospital and ask if I’ve given her too much, after all she’s put on one fifth of her initial body weight in 4 days – she did have a plastic ledge in the cage, which she liked to hide under, but had to remove it as she just only was able to go underneath it as she’s so big now.

The hospital’s release weight is 650g, so she’s got another 200g to go, so they will overwinter her now, along with her brother Calvin.
