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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog rescued 2 hedgehogs within the week Reply To: rescued 2 hedgehogs within the week


okay thanks for that – at least I know not to keep my hopes up high – they probably think – I’m gonna escape from this garden cos last time I got picked up by a big weird looking giant – I’m off – I think I’d be the same.

She’ll probably come back to use the feeding station no doubt, after a while being given loads of food, she’s not gonna want to miss out on that –

I might still put some dog food on some newspaper, but put it near to the opening of the tunnel, so the following day I’ll be able to see if it’s been moved, eaten or trod on, and if it’s still in tact, I’ll just remove it – and/or I could put my camera in a plant pot – facing the entrance to see what happens.

I might use the canvas pet carrier to take her home, and then I can just unzip the front, and she can come out whenever she chooses. So if it starts to rain, she won’t get wet inside the box, because after the travel, she might choose to stay in there for a while.

Glad I can by a house from the hospital, cos they sell them to raise money – so I know the cost of the house, will go on the sick hedgehogs – and they are good ones, for only £25. I’ll still keep my original one, without a lid, cos it’s pretty much been used all the time, maybe empty for 2 weeks and then someone else moves in, now I think I’ve got one of Sweetpea’s siblings hibernating in it – but pretty sure he’s a good weight – he gets most of the food as he’s closest to the feeding station – smart boy.
