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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Which hedgehogs need help in winter? Reply To: Which hedgehogs need help in winter?


I saw a hedgehog in the feeding station last night (it was exceptionally busy last night), and didn’t look much bigger than Sweetpea, so I weighed her, as it’s hard to tell sometimes (they often look smaller in the feeding station than they do when they are walking away from it)

She/he came at 470g , (didn’t rescue her) which isn’t ideal, still slightly small for hibernation, anyway, hope yesterday wasn’t the last night before the juveniles go into hibernation – I hope she fattens up soon, I did put the last of Sweetpea’s dog food out, as I’m wondering if it has a higher fat content, but not one of the touched it – not used to the smell perhaps?

I think I’m gonna put a extra bowl out tonight, as only a few biscuits left. Want them to fatten up quick!
