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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Which hedgehogs need help in winter? Reply To: Which hedgehogs need help in winter?

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Well done, Hedgie Lover, that’s brilliant.

Maybe you could encourage the schools to start a hedgehog club. They could create a wildlife area, have hog houses, etc. and have night cams so that they can see what’s happening. Or you could share your footage with them. If you could get one of the teachers really enthusiastic, it could happen. It would be really good to get that generation interested in wildlife and especially hogs.

But if you could get the whole Council to be more careful about how they use strimmers and brush-cutters, that could potentially save loads of hogs. It’s mostly about being a bit more careful and thinking hog before they strim. I’d sooner people didn’t use strimmers, at all, but in reality, that’s not likely to happen. But if only people could be a bit more careful how they went about it, that would make a big difference.

BHPS focused on strimmers for Hedgehog Awareness Week in 2017 when they had stickers that people could use. I’m not sure whether the strimmer campaign is still current, but you might be able to find out. This is another link:
and You might need to scroll down on this one to get to the strimmer part.
