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Home Forums Champions’ chat Hibernation Reply To: Hibernation


Hi Nic, sorry, regarding fireworks, which are still going on here, I’ve been saying for a long time about the poor animals. Those poor horses and I wonder about animals which are left out in fields at such times. It’s as bad for wild animals as it is for pets. I once read it wasn’t the noise that frightened birds, but the flashing lights. I made sure the curtains were drawn as we had a budgie who used to jump everytime one went off. The poor wild birds must go through it. If only people would stop and think about all these things and stop buying them, but no, “we have to enjoy ourselves by blowing our money up”. Like a neighbour, bonfire in front garden, smoke everywhere, loud fireworks exploding, first baby a few months old, now who was that for, not the child’s. Then there’s all the particles in the air…. Anyway, not seen Heidi for 2 nights, absolutely freezing cold last night, frost this morning. Still very cold but hubby just seen her near feeding station at 8-10pm. Need to get myself together here, as feeling sorry for her out in this cold, when I suppose they can put up with it. Hope yours are safely tucked up and it’s not as cold where you are. Best wishes.
