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Home Forums Champions’ chat hedgehog house Reply To: hedgehog house


Hi Hedgie Lover, hope I’m not giving you duff info here, but I read not to wrap the wooden box in plastic as it sweats and causes condensation which could them make inside damp and musty/fungy. What I did was put a loose covering of a tarp over the box with bricks on top and left it sticking out at the sides where I left some hey. The emergency one I made a few weeks ago was out of a plastic box, which was all I had, I stood it upside down on floorboards with a door cut on one end. I put a brick inside like you do for a feeding station, and put hey in behind the brick. Air can get in over the brick and around it. However, with it being thin plastic I did wrap bubble wrap around the outside and put a loose tarp over the top. I had to make a tunnel of bricks. If you have a resident hog in your house now, I wouldn’t go messing with it now so leave well alone. Like me, you are feeling sorry for them out in this cold and we are looking at it from our point of view of how cold we think it is. I for one have to try and get out of the habit of putting myself in that situation! Hope you are well, best wishes.
