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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Small hog but not a hoglet Reply To: Small hog but not a hoglet

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Hi Bosshogg

If the hog looks small, the only way to be sure whether it’s big enough to survive hibernation is to weigh it. In late autumn/winter the recommended minimum weight is 450g. But if the hog is regularly turning up for food, you might get away with it being a bit less, as hopefully it would put on some weight before deciding to hibernate.

I would find your nearest carer (you can get contact details from BHPS on 01584 890801 – try to get details of a few if possible, in case some are already full) and find out what they recommend for your area. i.e. if it is still mild there, and near the mimimum weight, they might suggest leaving it be for a while. It all depends how small it really is.

To weigh, if you have an outside light, I would try to pick a dry night, and take your scales outside in preparation. Then scoop the hog up into a container (1 litre ice cream containers are ideal to weigh in). Use gloves, as their spines can be very sharp if they roll up. If it’s over 450g you can release it immediately (or if it’s over the weight recommended by your local carer).

Just in case it’s underweight, have a box/pet carrier, or the like ready. Newspaper in the bottom in case it spills the water and food you will need to provide and either a small towel or some torn up strips of paper for it to burrow under.

I think most rescues keep the hogs inside, at least to start with, but some may move them outside when the reach a certain weight. But these days, it is thought that hogs can be released during mild spells in the winter if the have reached an appropriate weight.

Good luck. Let us know how you get on.
