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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Any room for a hedgehog near BN16- West Sussex Reply To: Any room for a hedgehog near BN16- West Sussex

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Hi simbo65

Glad to hear things are going well with Big Leg. Fingers crossed he’s back in the Spring. Siili was here last night, but not the night before, so she may be planning on hibernating. But unfortunately I have a particularly clever and bendy cat visiting. You wouldn’t believe the obstacle course it manages to get through to get into the feed box. Meanwhile Siili still doesn’t like going in there, so it’s a bit tricky trying to make sure there is food left for her. The cat was caught on video carrying a mouthful of food in her mouth and dropping it, presumably to separate out the kitten biscuits, which it then seemed to eat. Siili came and ate the remains! The only consolation is that Siili has been foraging as well.
