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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Bit stuck with my foster hog… Reply To: Bit stuck with my foster hog…


Firstly he doesn’t need to be in your house – no matter how quiet you think it is, for a hog with far better hearing it’s probably very noisy

It needs to be taken back to the rescue centre for urgent further tests. Although it’s been treated for lungworm, lungworm are becoming resistant to treatment and it may need several cycles. It could also have any number of other internal parasites that haven’t been treated for

I keep saying it – it is proven that stress of captivity can increase internal parasite burdens in a hedgehog and this should be kept in mind at all times

A healthy hog will eat

Finally it may be that in the rescue he was among other hogs – despite being solitary in the wild they often do better in captivity when housed with other hogs – only once healthy obviously – and you need to monitor to ensure no bullying
