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Home Forums Champions’ chat Baby hog reappeared. Reply To: Baby hog reappeared.


Hi Hedgie Lover, sorry I can’t help over the fox. Like you say, if you use something else it effects other things. I’ve used Lions Roar before now, which lasts a while. The best one I ever used was called something like Horshound. Can’t seem to find it these days. Even the kids coming home from school use to give it a wide birth. It was for use with all sorts of animals. The frost here is so bad it looks like snow! I’ve put some food under the door of the room at the bottom of the garage for baby Speedy each night it’s been bad. My neighbours must wonder if I’m mad! I’m outside in 2 fleeces and ancient leg warmers I’ve dug out, wearing them over leggings. I was still frozen, all the water bowls and bird baths were frozen solid. I thought one of the hogs had been out eating from feeding station again, but it was a kitten who had managed to get in around the bricks, so I’ve had to tighten it up again. The water in there was the only one not frozen! Not looking forward to the morning, as today’s frost didn’t melt and it feels even worse tonight. Hope you’re keeping warm, best wishes.
