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Home Forums Champions’ chat Spending 6 hrs snuffling around my compost heap! Reply To: Spending 6 hrs snuffling around my compost heap!

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Hi EmmaP

Success! Well done for sticking to it and getting the vidoes on here.

Re. first video – cute hog, but not really enough to tell anything.

Video 2. Looks like the beginning of courtship circling. So the hog going backwards will be the female. There didn’t seem to be sound, but she would probably have been huffing, pretty much in time to the movement. You can see she is moving slightly jerkily, which is quite normal. The other hog, the male, is probably trying to circle her, but maybe not enough space there.

It isn’t unusual for the male and female to be close to each other when eating, at this stage of ‘courtship’. She may want to eat and depending on the male hog, he may just wait until she has eaten before resuming the circling. Or he may be a bit of a pest and keep trying to mount her. (but isn’t going to get anywhere with that without her co-operation, but sometimes you can almost see her thinking ‘just go away and let me eat in peace’!). Or he may just take possession of the food bowl and leave her to stand watching! Depends how much of a ‘gentleman’ hog he is!

Hogs are promiscuous and one female will sometimes indulge in this ‘courtship’ with more than one male in the same night. Sometimes the circling leads to mating, but not always. Apparently, even mating doesn’t always lead to pregnancy. But it’s certainly a good start that there is a male and a female there and fingers crossed for some hoglets later on.
