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Home Forums Hedgehog tales Hedgehog Tails Reply To: Hedgehog Tails


Hi Kitty878,

So, after a bit of digging on the net (how did we cope before her internet ?) it seems that Calci worms have a much better calcium/phosphorus ratio.

Finding the information about cat food (we have three indoor cats, so always have biscuits available) is still a challenge.

So I think we are going to order some dried calci worms, and mix a few into the hedgehog food along with a few cat biscuits. The proportion of mealworms we have been using in the mix is low, but we will phase them out completely. The birds go mad for them, so they won’t be wasted.

Having originally discovered Helga in some distress, we are so pleased with how she seems to have settled in and how healthy she seems to be.

She’s providing us with nightly footage, and now the web cam is closer, we are going to be getting great pictures too.
