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Home Forums Champions’ chat Gigantic slugs ! Reply To: Gigantic slugs !

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Hi daffydill

Yes, those big slugs can be a bit of a nuisance – it’s usually worse if it’s been or is raining. Not sure why the ones there aren’t going for the wet food – but maybe that’s one solution, offer that to the hogs instead! Maybe you could try putting the food bowls in the middle of an area of sharp grit – that might deter them a bit. But apparently they don’t like the smell of garlic. I’m not sure how hogs react to garlic – never tested that, but maybe it is a bit of trial and error.

Most hogs just ignore those big slugs – it’s the smaller ones they tend to eat – but I suppose if the bowl was almost covered in slugs, it might be hard work for the hog. But maybe he wasn’t hungry enough to want to move that many out of the way!
