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Home Forums Hedgehog tales Hedgehog HMOs? Reply To: Hedgehog HMOs?


stef, Nic, Kitty,
Is this a good thing? I’m sure all here care about wildlife and the environment, and evolution is obviously a necessity to survive. But personally I do worry we can go too far.
I live in a very rural area which really should provide food and habitats for local wildlife naturally. Still I put food out for birds and hedgehogs and have neighbours that encourage badgers and foxes with regular feeding.
In my type of area only I do wonder if this is right?
Clearly in more built up urban areas (where I read wild animals are increasingly seen) the normal food and habitat areas are diminishing so all help is welcome but are we encouraging wildlife where it is difficult for them to survive naturally?
Bit of a debate here sorry – I stop feeding birds in summer as otherwise from nesting to a feeder is a few feet and I worry the young become reliant on provided food.
