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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Minimum size golf hedgehog house. Reply To: Minimum size golf hedgehog house.


Have to say people on here are lovely and really helpful, give yourselves a good pat on the back ๐Ÿ˜‰.

Will hedgehogs choose a house that is out in the open? Our back garden tends to flood at the bottom of the garden in heavy rain; unfortunately that would have been the most suitable site for the house(s). As such I have placed it on the patio, below my bedroom window. I did have one of the hogs in it thd other night so they have curiosity about it. We have three that come do want to get two more, would it be ok to have all three on the patio without cover near each other (they will all be treated externally with water based treatment. Thank you all again for your comments.
