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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings New hedgehog resident, know little about them but looking for advice Reply To: New hedgehog resident, know little about them but looking for advice


You could also speak to your neighbours and collaborate on making ‘Hedgehog Highways’ small holes between fences to ensure hedgehogs can pass between gardens easily, access more food and don’t need to go onto the road so much. You can also speak to them about hedgehog awareness, being careful with their dogs, checking for hogs before using strimmers and lawnmowers, and avoiding poisons, like rat poison, slug pellets and herbicides.

I recently got new neighbours on one side, and they had seen the row of tiny houses in my garden and were absolutely flummoxed as to what they were for, and approached me to ask about it. Their best guess was ferrets, apparently. I envy you being a carpenter and having the skills to take on building hog houses- I have made mine out of whatever I can find, but don’t have the woodworking skills to build them from scratch.
