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Hi Mr.Bob
I’m guessing you mean the 1 hog is on the Big Hedgehog Map? If so, and there have been all those other sightings, that might be a good thing to do to get the hogs put on the Big Hedgehog Map. It can be a useful resource if, for instance you ever wanted to apply for a hedgehog sign at some stage – that sort of thing.
There are loads of resources on My Hedgehog Street https://www.hedgehogstreet.org/my-hedgehog-street/ which you might find useful. From experience I have discovered that people often show interest initially but don’t always want to be involved in an active group, as such. But you might have better luck there. Sounds as if there are plenty of hedgehogs around which is a great start.
The most important things are to encourage people to link their gardens and try to make them more hedgehog friendly. Contrary to popular belief, gardens don’t have to be untidy to be wildlife friendly. But if there are lots of gardens linked the hogs also have less need to cross roads, which has to be good.
Good luck – I hope all goes well – and happy hog watching!