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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings New hedgehog resident, know little about them but looking for advice Reply To: New hedgehog resident, know little about them but looking for advice


Thanks guys for your replies,

haha don’t worry, I didn’t take offence or anything. I shouldve said I bought the hedgehog nuggets while I was shopping in a garden centre a month or two ago, and thought as we had some local, it may come in handy. As I got more serious and read up on them, I read as you said, that ‘hedgehog food’ could be anything and that cat biscuits were better as they’re regulated, so that’s why I bought some especially (don’t own cats, just Degus and tropical fish). It’s Tom Chambers ‘Hungry hedgehog blend’ if that means anything 😂.. It is indeed more expensive than cat biscuits by quantity, but I add a pinch of them along with a lot of cat biscuits just to use them up really.
I’ve wondered where it may be nesting as I believe it’s very local (think it visits around half 7 as I’ve been out at 8 and the food has been eaten). Also have a compost heap so it could be in there possibly.. Don’t think it would be under the decking as there isn’t anyway to get underneath as far as I’m aware. Maybe I’ll cut a hole under it so it could be used with other hoggies. Was thinking of setting up another food station, and will consider more houses once I can get work to order more sheets of ply haa!
