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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings New hedgehog resident, know little about them but looking for advice Reply To: New hedgehog resident, know little about them but looking for advice


Hi Nic,

I’m pretty confident it’s not being used as a residence although I will make sure before I do anything. Thank you for the links. Unfortunately, my garden isn’t under any trees and with the exception of weeds, there isn’t much greens or anything to use as nesting material so it may be that they don’t use it as a nest, which would be a shame but atleast it gives them a source of food/temp shelter perhaps. I did read that hogs prefer the ritual of making their own house, so I didn’t add too much hay. I’ve asked my parents who have an oak tree in their garden to gather leaves so I can scatter them about but as we have had a ‘late’ summer, they don’t seem to be shedding yet. I will continue to add more food however and monitor any activities. I’ll attempt to add some pictures at some stage too, thanks again!
