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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Litter question Reply To: Litter question


Hi Lily,

If they are just starting to venture out I think that means they are about 3 weeks old. Have you got kitten food for them? Tiny hogs sometimes can’t eat the bigger pieces of kibble. But you’re right that they may need to be overwintered with a carer as they have been born late. If you phone the number at the bottom left of the screen tomorrow, they should hopefully be able to put you in touch with a local carer, who will be able to advise you further, how to weigh them, when and if they need to be overwintered. Depending on the weather in your area they might not need to be, it’s obviously a last resort but it is quite late. Fingers crossed all six make it, if mother hog has got them this far she’s doing pretty well.
