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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Strange markings Reply To: Strange markings

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Hi GreenJelly1

Another possibility, of course, is that the hoglets (and potentially the Mother) could have got the markings from rubbing against some of the junk you say you have in your garden. Infra red light can have strange effects on some substances.

Glad to hear the hogs have plenty of provision for them for winter housing. It doesn’t really matter if the hog houses are near each other. Sometimes more than one hog will nest underneath (say) a shed so they don’t seem to mind being fairly near to other hedgehogs for hibernation. It seems that a good site may be more important than the proximity of other hedgehogs.

I usually keep my cameras running (during dark, only) just in case a hog turns up unexpectedly, then I can leave food out the next night. Usually, although not always, if a hog is on a video it’s there at the beginning of a clip, so it’s possible to get through them by only watching the beginning – although I usually skip through the clips as well. But It doesn’t take so long, once you get used to skimming through them.

You can put pictures/videos onto Hedgehog Street via the home page and the gallery. and follow the instructions. Once an image is on the internet it’s possible to add it to the forum by adding the link.

Good luck to the hogs there and all hogs for a safe and successful hibernation.
