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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Litter question Reply To: Litter question


Hello All,

For those who replied to my ‘litter question’ post and are curious, all six hoglets are alive and doing well. I’m no longer worried about them making winter weight! I am reassured by how independent they’ve become, and how good they are at looking after themselves.
The two boldest have discovered the food bowls on the patio and they are visiting A LOT. I’ve noted that they like to eat from the same bowl and are keen to practise their ‘shoving’ moves, despite the second bowl being free! Are males more tolerant of eating with females? Sometimes they seem to get along better, so there might be more than two, but I can’t tell which is which.
Whatever’s going on, they have provided us with a ton of entertaining footage, I shall miss them when they are gone, although I hope they’ll stay around for a while yet.

Lily of the Valley.
