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Hi Lily of the Valley

Great news that the hoglets are doing well. Keep offering food and water and they will soon put on weight.

I don’t think it makes much difference re. male or female hoglets and any shoving. Some may just naturally be more pushy than others. Hoglets do seem to like sharing – even with adults. I have often seen the dominant adult male being edged off the bowl he’s been eating from, by a hoglet. The adults seem very tolerant of their antics – that is until they reach a certain size and then with the males the gloves are off! But hoglets will also sometimes get right into a bowl and almost eat from underneath themselves – a good way of stopping anyone else reaching the food!

You are lucky having them to watch – delightful little things!

You might find when they get older that the males might drift away and any females continue to visit.

Good luck and happy hog watching.
