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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Too early for hibernation? Reply To: Too early for hibernation?

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Hi Lou,

Some hoglets choose not to hibernate at all and others will hibernate late, so don’t worry too much about it not hibernating yet. Just keep offering food and water as you have been.

It’s a good idea to leave water available all day every day, including during the winter and even if there don’t appear to be any hogs around any longer. They are known to emerge for short periods during hibernation time and may welcome a drink.

If the hoglet seems small, as Paulinegreen suggested, I would weigh it. 450g is the recommended weight to survive hibernation, but if the hoglet is only a bit below that and it is turning up regularly every night for food, I would be inclined to let it be and monitor it’s progress. It’s very stressful for hogs to be taken into captivity and not all will survive, so ‘rescuing’ them is not an easy option.

Good luck. I hope you find the hoglet is already a good weight.
