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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Too early for hibernation? Reply To: Too early for hibernation?

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Hi Patriaciat72

Great to hear that you have got a good hog house for the hogs. Don’t be upset if the hogs don’t take to it straight away. Some hogs won’t use them until they become ‘part of the furniture’. You can encourage the hogs to use it by leaving plenty of nest building materials in the area. So medium sized leaves, grasses, etc. If you put a handful inside the house, it might give them the idea but most hogs like to build their own nests inside the hog houses.

Under a tree sounds fine – it’s usually a good idea to be in an area where there is also other cover. But also not in the sun – if a hog hibernates the temperature change might be too great if the box heats up too much on a sunny day. Hog nests ideally need to be able to maintain a fairly constant temperature, so they usually make the nests inside the boxes well insulated.

Hogs actually need a fairly cool temperature when hibernating. Too warm and their metabolism speeds up too much.

Good luck. I hope you get a tenant for the hog des res soon.
