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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Spring has sprung, they’re back! Reply To: Spring has sprung, they’re back!


Hi Nic

I can’t believe how contrary hogs can be! Hopefully your collection of visitors will begin to use the feeder as it’s surely better to feed under shelter as the weather deteriorates towards winter. Very good to have so many around, they’ll know exactly where they can get food through the winter if they need it. We’ve only had a few frosts so far though the camera has registered zero once or twice.

Hilarious catching the frog on camera, he doesn’t know he’s famous,

I really don’t know if my nest box is occupied or not but the nearest bucket is being turned into a nest judging by the hay & leaves that have been dragged in, there’s a neat hole at the back of the tunnel which is empty by day. The bucket next to it was emptied a few nights ago so I’m putting more in there for use by anybody who wants it. I elevated the back of each bucket a bit yesterday to make them less likely to get rain blowing in but the fuscia above them has lost most of its leaves so is providing very little shelter. The buckets are held in place by assorted rocks & pieces of wood to stop them moving. The nest box is very sheltered under an evergreen camelia so I hope it has an occupant. I’ve tried putting the camera out to see what’s what with buckets & nestbox but they’re in the border where it’s not possible to place the camera securely. Managed to get a hog face passing now & then one night I placed it further away & umpteen mice, I’m sure the mice are performing for me.

Vast amounts of food still being taken & poo left along with pee on their more generous nights.

Pigeon here most days, squirrels & all the rest of the menagerie as usual.
