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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Spring has sprung, they’re back! Reply To: Spring has sprung, they’re back!


HI Nic

I thought I replied to your posting but looks as if I didn’t.

Seems the weather (here at least) is still pretty mild so the hogs who aren’t hibernating will be OK for now.

My feeders are mostly empty by morning, mice as usual helping out. Anything left I put on the garden for the magpies as they love it, same as yours by the sound of things. Glad your ratty pal has stayed away & less cat problems

Occasionally the poo that’s left in the feeder is enormous, there were some absolutely huge hogs last year so it’s probably one of them. Don’t know how they fit through the door.

Won’t be long before the hibernating boys in your feeder come out for Spring, time flies.

All the usual creatures still coming here, pigeon disappears for a week or so then returns to sit on my hand. Mrs Blackbird & Robin still come asking for food when I’m out the back, so rewarding having wildlife communicate with you.

Bath time is hilarious, making sure the water is changed every day because of bird influenza. So sad all the geese, swans etc who’ve been found dead all over the place. Humans have a lot to answer for with intensive farming concentrating bacteria that gets passed onto wild birds etc.

Happy New Year!
