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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Spring has sprung, they’re back! Reply To: Spring has sprung, they’re back!

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Hi Annie

Happy 2022 to you too!

The weather seems to be going all over the place now – sometimes fairly mild but then frosty nights. It doesn’t seem to make any difference to the hog activity here – there is still at least one hog around. I don’t see it every night, but suspect that has more to do with the cameras playing up with the damp and/or cold than any potential hog activity! There is usually some food left for the magpies, jackdaws, starlings and blackbirds who now seem to descend on the area in the morning. (not all at the same time!)

I still see cats, but it seems they can’t be bothered to pick up the food when the grass is wet – apart from it being too much like hard work having to forage for it.

That ratty disappeared, but then another (I think) appeared and I had to stop putting the bird feeders out for a while – when it disappeared again.

No sign of the boys emerging. I just hope they’re ok.

Yes, it is sad about the bird flu. I often see skeins of geese flying past and it would be so sad if they got it. It’s lovely to see them.
