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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Dead Hedgy :( – Fireworks? Reply To: Dead Hedgy :( – Fireworks?


I had two rescue hedgehogs come to me in early November one was 205g Sage and a possible sibling of 294g.Oakley. Both were treated for dehydration and the then began eating and drinking well. I sent off poo samples as soon as I’d got them to Vale Wildlife, got the results back and booked an appointment with my hedgehog friendly vet for the following morning. That night there were a tremendous number of fireworks that went off. The next morning I found that Oakley had passed away and I’m convinced that this was down to the noise of fireworks. Sage has done really well and while my other rescue hogs were already hibernating by new years eve Sage who now weighed 698g hadn’t yet settled. The fireworks of new years eve really upset her and she was trembling to such an extent that I ended up hugging her in a fleece blanket for an hour in the dark to calm her down. It took a week before sleeping, eating, peeing and pooing returned to normal. A week later she entered her first short hibernation.
