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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings January hedgehogs Reply To: January hedgehogs

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Hi Mags63

Interesting that you have a hog there. There are 3 possibilities:

The hog may not have hibernated at all, but only recently moved further afield into your garden in the hope of finding food. Some hogs do decide not to hibernate at all – it seems most often hoglets, although some could have been early hoglets and so already look quite big.

It may have come out from hibernation and be planning (or have been planning to go back into hibernation). Hogs are known to emerge during hibernation and even move nests. But as it found plenty of food, it decided to stay around. But it could still go back into hibernation – although it seems unlikely after this long.

Or, it’s come out of hibernation, intending not to go back into hibernation. The males tend to go into hibernation earlier than the females and emerge earlier. i.e. I had a hog here (I think probably a female) who didn’t disappear until mid January – hopefully to hibernate, whereas the males were tucked up in their nest months earlier. It does seem early for the hog there to have come fully out of hibernation, but as you say, it’s been a fairly mild winter.

Well done feeding the hog – there may still not be much wild food around, so it will probably be depending on you. I’m guessing you’re offering water as well. It’s a good idea to leave water available for hogs all day every day, including winter in case a thirsty hog happens along.

Good luck. I hope all goes well. Happy hog watching!
