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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings January hedgehogs Reply To: January hedgehogs


hello Nic, I fed hedgehogs up until late October when they stopped coming to the feeder. I know there were three different ones at least. One had to be rescued by the SSPCA in mid October when I found it sunbathing in the middle of the day; it was a good length but thin. I assumed they had hibernated until I saw this one quite by chance last month. Weighed in at between 700 and 800g. The trailcam has seen it in the feeder every night since then. There is water every day throughout the year. The previous winter, there were hedgehogs visiting right into early December.

Coincidentally my sister who lives down in Galloway in SW Scotland also fed hedgehogs during the summer and autumn and also saw one by chance about two weeks ago. It barely weighed 400g and the local rehabilitator who took it away described it as “absolutely starving”. Since then my sister has also dusted off her feeder and trailcam and has had recorded nightly visits. I live near sea level just outside Dingwall in Ross-shire and we have had fairly mild winter until last couple of days with only a handful of frosty nights.
