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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Spring has sprung, they’re back! Reply To: Spring has sprung, they’re back!


Hi Nic

Having put out the camera the last week or so I’ve just started a new thread for 2022 as there are regular visits every night from at least one hog, probably more as you can’t always see the markings clearly.

The cat I thought I was keeping out has appeared on camera emerging from the feeder in the most impossible place for a cat to fit so I’m having to think again to keep her out. She’s very small & skinny & apparently determined too.

It’s hopefully not too late for you to get frogspawn, I hope froggy brings a few friends round to your pond & gets stuck in.

We have umpteen squirrels but I’ve never seen a rat, hopefully yours will disappear soon for good. I’ve read on a hedgehog site that they hate change & are frightened by things being in different places so maybe you can rearrange a few bits & bobs to put them off.

This year the birds are going to have to get used to sunflower hearts, mealworms & peanut nibs as the starlings were throwing the mixed seed everywhere & it either grows or goes rotten in awkward to clean places. I stopped buying the cheaper food from various providers & now just use one as theirs is better quality if a bit more pricy, the birds are gradually being weaned off the mix by combining it with the sunflower heart chips etc. All the food is fledgling suitable so I don’t need to worry about that either.

2022 looks to be an interesting year in many ways!
