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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Feb 2022 – hedgehog(s) on camera every night at feeder again Reply To: Feb 2022 – hedgehog(s) on camera every night at feeder again

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Hi Annie

That hog sounds quite a character!

Sadly most of the frogspawn disappeared over a couple of days. It seems likely something ate it. I suppose it’s possible there is some left underneath the water etc. – time will tell – but it may not have been viable anyway. The place I found it was just damp from rain and right in the open – no puddle (partly on bare earth and partly on the end of one of those posts which are used for electric fences – which I use in the garden as plant supports) so I think it must have been some sort of accident/event. But, there is an enormously round looking frog in the main pond (as well as another more normal sized one) so I’m wondering whether it has some frog spawn to lay. I hope so.

Yes, some cats seem able to get in the most amazing spaces! So far no cat has got into my feed box, although they do still visit. Sadly so do the rats – one which only has one eyeshine and another with two – they don’t seem to turn up on the same night. One seems scared of going into the feedbox, but the other has got braver. Very annoying. They don’t get much food, but seem good at catching worms and seem to be finding a few of those.

The hog disappeared again. Maybe he thought he could do with a bit more hibernation after a top up with some food. But I have a lovely male blackbird who makes his presence known until I feed him. I think he must be the same one who has been here before because he seemed to know exactly what to do, although as they all look pretty much the same, it’s hard to tell! Glad to hear Pidge is still there! Cheeky thing, landing on your back!

Keep up the good work with the hogs!
