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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Helga returns Reply To: Helga returns


We have just cleaned out and moved one of our hog boxes as the space it was previously in has become too thorny and inaccessible (for us). We struggled to get it anywhere else shady that we can get to. We placed it in an area that does have shade but that gets a bit of morning sun. The entrance faces a fence so back of it faces into the garden. We put some willow screening round it, then some logs in front of that. I’ve then placed shrub prunings and cut ferns in amongst the logs and placed some balanced on the willow over the top. None of it touches the house. Planted some grasses in front of all that to. Looks quite good but no takers yet. Our other house was used over winter and was still in use by the one that hibernated in it and for last few weeks another one to. Both in there for the day. Neither have used it for last 2 nights. We’d love to get it cleaned out if it stays empty a bit longer, but now have a blackbird sitting on a nest in the shrub it’s under, so it will have to wait for now.
