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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Feb 2022 – hedgehog(s) on camera every night at feeder again Reply To: Feb 2022 – hedgehog(s) on camera every night at feeder again

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Hi Mags63

Yes, hogs are known to eat eggs of ground nesting birds occasionally, but they would be tiny in comparison to a hens egg.

The hogs leaving more food may have more than one potential reason. There could be more natural food around, but it could also be because their time is being taken up more with courtship and the males biffing other males. More of the females may now have appeared – then tend to go into and come out of hibernation later than the males. But also there may be more people beginning to put food out again, having realised that there are hogs back.

But the hog season does seem to be getting into full swing now, which is very exciting – but hopefully they are managing to find lots of wild food as well as what we offer.
