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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Another Hedgehog Death Reply To: Another Hedgehog Death

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Hi Celeste

Yes, we all get to attached to ‘our’ hogs that it can be as bad as losing a pet when one dies. I still feel sad about a poor hog here, who turned up with a horrible strimmer injury and had to euthanased. A beautiful hog who I had known since he was a hoglet. And that was years ago, now. There have been others, but mention a strimmer and there he still is, in my mind.

But on a lighter note. Great news that there is a hog back. I found the acrilyc roof with open sides idea worked quite well – even with hogs who didn’t like going in boxes. But some birds will go under in the mornings, if there’s any food left – especially starlings, I found.

Yes, I also get a good selection of corvids coming down for any leftovers they can get hold of! I had a hilarious video a couple of years back of a rat chasing a magpie. The magpie kept trying to get some of the leftovers, but the rat wouldn’t have it and every time the magpie landed the rat charged at it. Never seen a rat with so much energy! It was pretty much rat 1 magpie nil! Even though the rat didn’t ever manage to catch even as much as a feather!
