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Home Forums Carers / rescuing a hedgehog Injured Hedgehog Reply To: Injured Hedgehog


Thanks for asking Scoobysue, was meaning to give an update. For the last few days he’s been coming regularly in fact he’s usually the first one to go into the feeding station. I sat out the other night and he was in there for 55mins chomping away at the biscuits, usually they are inside eating for 10-15 minutes.

Ive been watching him on the camera and also when ive been sat out and have been in two minds about catching him, because he is walking better, not perfect but more of a hobble/bit of a limp now, and as he’s coming regularly every night and having a proper feed, i decided I’d leave him. I hope I’ve done the right thing. I just thought it must be very stressful for them being captured taken away etc and as he seems to do a half decent hobbley run, when he needs to and is eating really well, it would be the better option to take.

Hope that’s the right approach
