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Home Forums Hedgehog tales New hog feeding, advice needed. Reply To: New hog feeding, advice needed.

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Hi Sharkster41

Welcome to the Forum.

Hogs will sometimes decide to nest in feeding boxes. The ones here, have so far been either for hibernation or for a couple of days over-day stays. Hopefully mother hogs would have more sense than to make a nest there, but there’s really no telling!

Not sure whether there is access to the back garden from the front or whether the road is the only access. The trouble is that quiet roads can be more dangerous than busy ones as the hogs can be lulled into a false sense of security when it’s quiet and they really don’t have any defence if cars come along and the only hope is for people to look out for them. Ideally you need to persuade everyone around to have hog holes in their fences so that the hogs don’t have to cross roads to find suitable habitat.

There is some information re. feeding here:

Don’t forget to leave water available all day every day. You never know when a thirsty hog might turn up during the day, or even the winter. Wide but shallow plant saucers are ideal for water. Hogs are very good at tipping narrower bowls/saucers of water over!

Good luck and happy hog watching.
