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Home Forums Champions’ chat Looking for Hedgehog Champions in Walthamstow E17 Reply To: Looking for Hedgehog Champions in Walthamstow E17

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Hi Francesca

Sorry I don’t live near you, but am replying so your post moves back up to the top again.

I hope you had some success with the Hog Street posters and that you’ve managed to see a hog for yourself. But if the poster encourages even one person to put hog holes in their fences it will be good. They are so important because, apart from anything else may provide hogs with sufficient habitat without them having to cross roads – which are a dangerous place for them.

I’m wondering whether you have found the downloadable resources in ‘My Hedgehoig Street’ Something there may help you make contact with other hog lovers in the area.

Good luck. Hope you see a hog soon, if you haven’t already.
