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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Feb 2022 – hedgehog(s) on camera every night at feeder again Reply To: Feb 2022 – hedgehog(s) on camera every night at feeder again

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Hi Annie

Yes, poor round frog – I always thought there must be something wrong with the poor thing. I haven’t been seeing other frogs in the pond, but have seen a couple when I was cutting the long grass in the wilder areas. Luckily no more round ones, but I did see one who was very well camouflaged in the grass. It tried to escape onto the path and I had to pick it up and aim it in the direction of the longer grass which was left.

That must have been lovely having nuthatches, etc. visit your garden. Lovely to watch.

The blackbirds are all awol at the moment – presumably moulting, but there is a young robin just getting its orange ‘redbreast’ who landed on a gate the other day, about a foot away. Cute little thing! Lots of starlings and sparrows still around.

Totally agree re. the rain. I’ve never known such a bad year for the garden. Certainly not good for worms! Sounds lovely all those birds in the birdbaths. Sounds like everyone else’s losses are your gain! Luckily we are getting some rain at last and the grass is greening up already.

I still mostly seem to be getting male hogs. They seem to be not quite as aggressive when they meet now – maybe saving up energy for hibernation which won’t be long now. I often find one in one or other of the feeding boxes. Some grumpier than others at being disturbed! But hopefully they forgive all when they find the food bowl refilled!
