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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings Just out of hibernation Reply To: Just out of hibernation

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Hi PamSue

Glad to hear you have had lots of hedgehog sightings.

Sounds as if you have found a good solution to the fenced off area. Please be very careful, though, as if the hog can get through into the dog part of the garden it could still be at risk and I’m sure a confrontation is the last thing you want. I know how distressing a dog attack can be – someone else’s dog got into my garden once and fatally wounded one of my hog visitors.

There are some tips in this link of how to avoid a confrontation:

Don’t worry too much if the hogs haven’t shown any interest in the house yet. Sometimes they need to get used to them being there for a while before venturing to use them. Putting a handful of leaves inside can give them the idea. Let us know if one takes up residence.

Hope all goes well.
