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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings 23 February 2023 Hedgehog visitors are back. Reply To: 23 February 2023 Hedgehog visitors are back.

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Hi Annie

Oh, poor Mrs. Blackbird! Doesn’t sound a good look at all. Mr. Blackbird’s head is still totally bald. Poor chap looks a bit vulturine from some angles. I wouldn’t be surprised if he stays bald now, as it’s been so long. He went through a spell of making sure I noticed he was there. I keep a small supply of those suet pellets to give him but don’t leave out them unless I see him. But he was a bit miffed once when I was out the front gardening and didn’t notice he was there until he dived straight at me! Only just missed.

Very exciting the night before last – a hoglet in the garden. Quite well grown but still cute. Such a treat! Sadly he/she wasn’t back last night, but it’s nice to know there is at least one around and therefore also a female not too far away. The others visiting still seem to be males – unless they are getting confused and biffing females as well! There are normally only 1 or two here at a time and no others were here when the hoglet visited.

The laid back hog seems to have given up on the box since it got a bit cooler. It’s good that the hogs there have reverted to more normal hours since the weather cooled down a bit, too. Hope we don’t get heat here like in southern Europe!

Good news about the bats there. I occasionally see one here, but still haven’t got round to getting a detector. I see quite a lot of moths around when I put the hog food out, so there must be plenty for the bats to eat, but I don’t seem to catch them on the hog cam so much since the camera was moved a bit. Interesting about the bees, etc. Here, I didn’t have so many earlier in the year, but there seem to be more now. I was really pleased to see a small copper butterfly in my wild flower patch the other day – one of my favourites. It seems to be buzzing with insects when the sun shines – lots of scabious out at the moment, which seem to be popular.

Glad to hear the squirrels are managing to evade the cats and dogs.
