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Home Forums Hedgehog signs and sightings 2024 February – our spiky visitors have returned Reply To: 2024 February – our spiky visitors have returned

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Hi Annie

I probably shouldn’t say this (it often invites trouble!) but I haven’t seen the rats since the hogs have been back.

The first hedgehog was back the next night, luckily, and now there have been at least 3. Two of them often at the same time and their behaviour seems to indicate one is a female, albeit a smallish one and looks too young for breeding. She doesn’t seem quite sure how she should behave, but he has been circling even if not hugely enthusiastically. The other poor chap has been blobbed already. Hopefully all the rain will wash him clean again.

I think the little one may be/have been using one of the hog boxes as she seems to disappear there quite often.

Re. the rats – it might depend how hungry they are. There have been quite a few here, in the past, that have come out in the day – brazen little things! Fingers crossed they stay away this year. Lots of hogs around seems to put them off, so here’s hoping! The small hog turns up quite early, which is helpful – less chance for the rats to get any food

I hope you have also had some more hedgehog sightings. Good luck.
