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Hi Echinoserious

If I were you, I would give delivering leaflets a miss for a while and concentrate on enjoying the hedgehog visitors – as well as making your own garden as hog friendly as you can – and give it a bit of time.

Just bear in mind that people tend to get loads of leaflets through their doors and they often get put aside (without being looked at) to potentially look at later. People can get ‘leaflet fatigue’ – especially when there have recently been elections and lots of leaflets around. So you could get responses a long time after the leaflets are delivered if someone suddenly finds the hedgehog one. But also bear in mind that some people are wary of contacting others that they don’t know.

So it is in no way a rejection of you or even that they don’t like hogs but that maybe they are overwhelmed with other things. We never know what is going on in other people’s lives.

The way I see it, delivering all those leaflets has to be worthwhile even if only one person is converted to helping hedgehogs. Remember they might decide to help the hogs without you ever knowing about it, but if you hadn’t delivered the leaflets they may not have done.

Give yourself a break for a while and try to enjoy nature.

Good luck.
