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Home Forums Champions’ chat Hogs vs Cats Reply To: Hogs vs Cats


Hi Penny,

Thank you for the tips and videos, i will try them and did have to giggle at those jumping cats ๐Ÿ™‚

I actually forgot to mention that i did see a Stoat in the garden 1 night, though i have not seen it again. I fell asleep earlier today { my medication causes this at times } then when i went out to refill the bird bath i noticed a cat had got a young sparrow ๐Ÿ™ They are just a nightmare and i sometimes wonder if its worth the upset. These cats think nothing of jumping up onto the bird table and pulling it over on themselves, even though i have weights on the bottom of it. Each time they do this of course it breaks the roof of it uugghh!!!! You would think these are feral cats but they actually live over the back from my house and further down the street. I am going to be getting my garden landscaped and will make sure its as cat proof as possible.

Well unless they are vegetarians they will not be fed in my garden tonight, no meat out.
Will go and have a look about the posts in a bit after i have checked to see if the cats can still get in the station. I narrowed the entrance and put the hogs water dish nearer the entrance -_- We will see how they like that hmmm!!!!
The picci i use is my hogs feeding station but i have lengthened the entrance and it is like a tunnel now and has trellis on top ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks for the much needed giggle.
