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Home Forums Hedgehog tales Mutant Rampaging Hedgehogs! Reply To: Mutant Rampaging Hedgehogs!


Hi Nic,

The ‘boss’ hog sounds almost as bad as Simba and he’s nowhere near the biggest hog either.

Last night’s trail cam footage made rather depressing viewing this morning, with one female hog going down twice on her back legs and a male with eye problems, not to mention others with the sneezes, although nowhere near as bad as little Tippy Toe. I suppose it was only a matter of time before one of the males showed up with an injury after all the fighting that’s been going on. Simba and Bruno are looking particularly bedraggled at the moment! The back leg problem is particularly worrying; I’ve looked back through the video footage and the other hedgehog with the problem is a male, so that’s put paid to my pregnancy theory. I always worry about all the chemicals that are available to gardeners, especially the ones that promote the ‘perfect’ lawn. Heaven only knows what they may be doing to a hedgehog’s nervous system!

On a brighter note, the camera also captured some footage of a female self anointing. It followed a bit of a scuffle with another female inside the feeding station, so not quite sure what that was all about. Judging by the contortions, I don’t think there was anything wrong with that one’s back legs!
